• 51 Brandywine Drive, Ridgecrest, CA 93555. Locate us on the map.

    M - F: 09:00 - 18:00

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    0844 589 3519

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    Coordinated Surveys

    Coordinated Track Trolley Survey

    Co-ordinated topographical track surveys, providing XYZ coordinates of each rail, including simultaneous cant & gauge measurements. This enables us to carry out a precise survey very quickly compared with traditional methods. The surveys can be tied to local or OS grid coordinates using conversion software offering convenient usage tailored to each individual site.

    Temporary designs can be produced using the on-board software. This has proved on numerous occasions to be a key tool in aiding the reinstatement of adjacent tracks that have been affected by lineside construction activities.

    Structured Gauging and Clearance Surveys

    Track inspections and reports for renewal planning Railway Gauging Surveys Using the latest 2D laser sweep and 3D laser scanning equipment, Railtech Innovations are able to produce incredibly accurate profiles of tunnels, platforms or any other structure where proximity to the track needs to be measured. Laser Rails ‘Clearoute’ software is used to show kinematic information for different classes of rolling stock while the Mensi 2000 Scanner enables our Engineers to provide 3D point clouds of areas of the infrastructure from positions of safety. By using such methods our clients avoid the need for costly safety systems and personnel.

    Topographical Surveys

    We undertake all types of topographical surveys in and around the railway infrastructure.

    We use the latest in technology ensuring the best and most accurate results are always obtained. This is key in achieving the required accuracy tolerances for working within the railway infrastructure.

    Our Engineers have vast experience in working closely with design houses such as Arup, Tata etc. and have a clear understanding of the detail required when capturing data.

    Information is issued in line with NR CAD compliance requirements which saves time when reviewing and applying the data.


    0844 589 3519


    Copyright © 2020 Railtech Innovations. All rights reserved.